








On this day we did our group photo after breakfast, while making our lunch. Beginning at Hermit Camp (Mile ~95.5) we ran the Hermit Rapid, a seven, with barely a thought it seems, while Crystal ran ahead in our thoughts, downstream at mile ninety-nine. Crystal is one of the rougher rapids in the Canyon, rated seven to ten, depending on flow.

Check out a photo series of “the curl” in Crystal Rapid. This is one of the “holes” that everyone ran right of and avoided. There is nothing in the photos for scale. Take my word for it. It was big. That curling wave would readily swallow a raft.

Scouting Crystal at mile ~99 we met again with the Canyon Explorations and their restored Nevills Cataract boat, Sandra. We had the advantage and privilege of watching the Canyon Expeditions group make their runs from a front row rock on shore. See photos of Canyon Expeditions running Crystal Rapid

Below Crystal, right away at mile ~100 are Tuna, a five to seven and Lower Tuna, a four. At mile ~102 we hit Sapphire, another six. From there to Bass camp (Mile ~109) we ran Turquoise (2-4, Mile ~102.5), 104 Mile (5), Ruby (4-5, Mile ~105.3), Serpentine (6, Mile ~106.6), and Bass (3, Mile ~108.5). Day seven, to say the least, was a big whitewater day.

Find photos made on day seven of our GC river raft adventure at Canyon Day Seven Gallery