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Below the rapid we got to see the first magnificent formations of metamorphic, black Vishnu Schist and pink Zoroaster Granite at river level. We ran the Grapevine (6, Mile ~82) and Zoroaster (4, Mile ~85) rapids before taking a quick dip into the developed world at Phantom Ranch (Mile ~88). Ah, sweet lemonade on ice!

Right after Phantom, at mile ~91 we ran the Horn, a mean seven rapid that one member of our party confided to me they were truly afraid of. With good reason. All of us threaded its narrow gateway between a pair of hungry holes, thankfully without incident and with great relief.

We ran Granite Rapid, another seven at mile ~94, then camped at the head of Hermit, in Hermit Camp (Mile ~95.5). I dubbed Hermit camp as “Lizard” camp because there were lots of little entertaining lizards running around.

Find photos made on day six of our GC river raft adventure at Canyon Day Six Gallery